What Is An Outdoor Kitchen?

Have you been looking into or thinking about getting an outdoor kitchen but you don't know where to start?
We have made it our challenge to answer top commonly asked questions that we get asked for people who are looking at getting an outdoor kitchen. Whether that be a new DIY project or enhancing your outdoor living space, it has been said that garden kitchens greatly expand the value of a home.
We get customers coming to us as they like the idea of extending their living space at home but they don't know where to start. This compilation of blog posts will give you all the advice you need before taking that next step towards building an outdoor bbq kitchens.
What is an outdoor kitchen?

An outdoor kitchen is an extension of your home. It's a way of extending your inside living, outside onto your patio or into your garden area and giving you a whole new living space to use. A space outside of the home where you can entertain, cook and prepare meals while enjoying the open-air.
Cooking outside and simply being outdoors in general is so good for the soul. It's good for your mind, your body, your mental wellbeing and it's such a great way to cook. Predominantly, all you need for an outdoor kitchen is an area to cook on and work surfaces. It's a brilliant way of bringing your family and your
friends together, becoming a social space for people to socialise.
Ultimately, the limit is endless. The choice is yours. We can help that design become a reality.